Unlock the Doors to Convenience and Safety with Our Premier School Bus Transportation Service

Yearly Plan
Secure, Reliable, Every Yearly: Your Ride with Everyone Rides
Service Description
Enjoy the Convenience of Yearly Transportation Service Tailored for Your Child: This plan provides comprehensive transportation solutions exclusively for one student for a duration of a year. Ensure reliable and hassle-free journeys with Everyone Rides!
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Terms and Conditions for Everyone Rides School Bus Transportation Service Payment Policy: Payment must be made in full before the start of each semester or term. Failure to make timely payments may result in suspension of bus service. Behavioral Expectations: Students must adhere to all bus rules and regulations at all times. Unacceptable behaviors include but are not limited to bullying, fighting, disrespecting the driver or other students, vandalism, or any behavior that jeopardizes safety. Students are expected to follow the driver's instructions promptly. Consequences for Misconduct: Depending on the severity of the behavior, consequences may include verbal warnings, written warnings, temporary suspension, or permanent denial of bus service. Parents will be notified of any behavioral issues promptly. Denial of Bus Service: Everyone Rides reserves the right to deny a student access to the bus if their behavior poses a risk to other students' safety or disrupts the operation of the bus service. Reasons for denial of service include repeated violations of bus rules, serious misconduct, or failure to comply with corrective actions. Appeals Process: Parents may appeal a decision to deny bus service by contacting Everyone Rides Appeals will be reviewed promptly, and decisions communicated to the parent/guardian. Safety and Responsibility: Everyone Rides prioritizes the safety and well-being of all students. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to ensure their child understands and complies with these terms and conditions. Changes to Terms: Everyone Rides reserves the right to modify these terms and conditions as necessary. Updated terms will be communicated to parents/guardians in advance. By utilizing Everyone Rides School Bus Transportation Service, parents/guardians agree to abide by these terms and conditions.
Contact Details
Broward County, FL, USA